Le Meridien New Delhi showcases 20 feet Christmas Tree till 30th December 2021.

by Travel Mail
1 minutes read
Le Meridien New Delhi’s showcases 20 feet Christmas Tree till 30th December 2021.

Le Meridien New Delhi is in Pursuit Of A Better World

“IN PURSUIT OF A BETTER WORLD” we light up our festive celebrations on Friday 17th December, 5:30 PM. Our handcrafted Christmas tree, a 20 feet tall installation made of fabric waste, endorses our commitment towards sustainable celebrations and strongly urges the citizens to embrace the cause ensuring the well being of our future. The tree has been knotted with love and nurtured to its glory by women artisans.

“Fashion scrap is the 2nd largest waste contributor that is filling up our landfills, by upcycling this waste we aim to raise awareness on how each one of us can, in one or many ways, contribute to clean up our earth,” says Meena Bhatia, VP & General Manager of the Hotel.

We also encourage you to be the champions of this noble initiative. Visit us between 17th – 25th December to make a wish and personal commitment for the cause as we will raise your voice to the community through our #InPursuitOfABetterWorld
The magnificent tree stands tall and bright in the hotel lobby, an unmissable piece of craft open for viewing till 30th Dec ’21.

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