Western Railway gears up for Monsoon

by Travel Mail
2 minutes read

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[dropcap]M[/dropcap]umbai: In order to keep the wheels of local trains running and to ensure uninterrupted services during the ensuing monsoon, pre monsoon preparations works are undergoing o­n Western Railway in full swing. These preparations include cleaning of culverts, desilting of side drains, installations of high power pumps, special maintenance of infrastructure etc. These works will be completed by 1st, June 2018 in the first phase.
Analysis of Rainfall and Flood prone areas:
Western Railway has identified the flood prone areas o­n its section. o­n the basis of this analysis, more attention will be paid to certain sections which could be flood prone such as areas near Grant Road, Elphinstone Road, Dadar, Matunga Rd-Mahim yard, Bandra-Khar, Andheri-Jogeshwari and Nalasopara-Virar sections.
Western Railway has also come up with the time table showing the dates of high tides of more than 4.0 meters during monsoon 2018 from 1st June, 2018 to 30th Sept, 2018. This will help in taking necessary precautions when required most.
Special Pre-monsoon Action:
ØFirst round of desilting in all 40 Culvert has been completed, for balance 3, the target date is 25/05/2018. Subsequent round of desilting will be completed after conducting Joint inspection of first round. Remaining major culverts will be cleaned by the BMC which include Mithi river, Dharavi Nallah, Poisar nallah, etc. Joint inspection is also being carried out by railway and MCGM officials.
ØLifting of tracks in low lying areas has already been completed in Mahim Yard o­n Harbour lines and between Bandra-Khar Down slow line where water logging had been observed.
ØLowering of cess along side of tracks is under progress.
ØWR has installed about 100 high power pumps at vulnerable low lying locations such as Marine Lines, Mumbai Central, Dadar, Matunga Road, Mahim, Bandra, Andheri, Borivali, Nalasopara, Virar etc.
ØWR has also undertaken the work of desilting of side drains. This work will be completed before the o­nset of monsoon. After reviewing the position, this work may again be undertaken in July and August, 2018 as per requirement.
ØIn order to ensure smooth running of trains during monsoon, special attention is also being given to the maintenance of OHE. This includes cleaning of insulators, checking of protective screens o­n FOB/ROB, protection of contact and catenary wires and earthing.
ØCutting & trimming of vulnerable trees in the vicinity of track will also be done.
ØWR has also taken up the monsoon related maintenance work of its EMU suburban rakes which include detection & plugging of possible leakages in EMU coaches and its electrical equipments, smooth movements of windows & doors etc. Work of cleaning of roof of coaches and insulators has also been taken up in hand.
Other Actions:
ØWR has come up with a monsoon booklet for its officers and supervisors. This booklet not o­nly mentions the flood prone areas and important dates of high tides but also the course of action to be taken during such situations. It also has the telephone numbers of official dealing with disaster management and important telephone numbers of railway and civil officials such as BMC, Weather Bureau etc.
ØRunning of muck specials during nights to clear the muck and garbage, as and when required.
ØRound the clock monitoring during heavy rains by deputing officers/ supervisors at vulnerable locations.
Coordination with BMC:
Pre-cleaning Joint inspections of Railway and BMC officials have been carried out. Now, after the cleaning of culverts, post-cleaning Joint inspection is planned. It also includes provision of pumps by BMC at locations where the blockage in the drainage is likely. A hotline has been set up between MCGM Disaster control and Western Railway Traffic control for faster communications during emergency.

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