Tourism Malaysia Appoints Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali as Director for New Delhi

by Travel Mail
Tourism Malaysia Appoints Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali as Director for New Delhi

New Leadership at Tourism Malaysia New Delhi

On June 24, 2024, Tourism Malaysia proudly announced the appointment of Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali as the new Director of Tourism Malaysia’s office in New Delhi. This strategic move aims to strengthen Malaysia’s tourism presence in India, leveraging Ahmad Johanif’s extensive experience and remarkable achievements in the field of tourism promotion and international relations.

A Distinguished Career in Tourism Promotion

Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali’s career spans over 34 years, marked by his unwavering commitment to promoting Malaysia as a top tourist destination. His journey with Tourism Malaysia, an agency under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, is a testament to his dedication and expertise. Ahmad Johanif’s efforts have not only enhanced Malaysia’s visibility on the global tourism map but also highlighted its unique cultural and natural attractions.

Notable Achievements and Accolades

Throughout his career, Ahmad Johanif has been recognized for his exceptional service and contributions. His accolades include:

  • Silver Medal Award by the Right Honourable Governor of Sarawak in September 2012.
  • Long Service Award by Tourism Malaysia in April 2011.
  • Bintang Khidmat Terpuji (BKT) Award by the Right Honourable Governor of Melaka in October 2007.

These awards underscore his dedication and the significant impact he has made in the tourism sector.

Leadership Roles and Strategic Initiatives

Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali has held several senior leadership positions within Tourism Malaysia, each contributing to the agency’s strategic objectives:

  • Senior Deputy Director, Package Development Division (January 2021 – Present): In this role, Ahmad Johanif supervised the Niche Tourism Product Team and led the Intelligent Unit, driving positive industry development and ensuring the creation of unique and appealing tourism packages.
  • Senior Deputy Director, Human Resources Division (January 2019 – January 2021): He meticulously planned human capital needs, succession plans, and staff movements. His efforts in implementing job rotations were crucial in establishing leadership at all levels within the organization.
  • Senior Deputy Director, International Promotion Division (July 2017 – January 2019): Ahmad Johanif demonstrated strategic leadership in promoting Malaysia to international markets, enhancing the country’s global tourism profile.

Educational Excellence and Professional Skills

Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali’s academic background is as impressive as his professional journey. He holds a Master of Business Administration in Tourism Management from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), graduating with a stellar CGPA of 4.0. Additionally, he earned an Associate’s Degree in Tourism Administration from UiTM. His strong educational foundation complements his extensive experience, making him a formidable leader in the tourism industry.

His skills in public speaking, event management, marketing, and sales have been instrumental in his various leadership roles. Ahmad Johanif’s ability to engage and inspire diverse audiences has significantly contributed to his success in promoting Malaysia’s tourism offerings.

Vision for the Future

“We are thrilled to appoint Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali as the Director of our New Delhi office,” said Muhammad Akmal Hafiz Abdul Aziz, Acting Director, of Tourism Malaysia, New Delhi. “His extensive experience, remarkable achievements, and exemplary skills make him the ideal candidate to lead our efforts in promoting Malaysia as a premier tourist destination among Indian travellers.”

Ahmad Johanif Mohd Ali expressed his enthusiasm for his new role, stating, “I am honoured to have the opportunity to further strengthen the ties between Malaysia and India and to promote Malaysia’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and vibrant tourism offerings to Indian travellers.”

Strategic Importance of the Indian Market

India represents a significant market for Malaysian tourism. With its growing middle class and increasing number of outbound tourists, India is a crucial target for Tourism Malaysia’s promotional efforts. Ahmad Johanif’s appointment is strategically aligned to tap into this potential, ensuring that Malaysia remains a top destination for Indian travellers.

Promoting Malaysia’s Diverse Attractions

Under Ahmad Johanif’s leadership, the New Delhi office will focus on highlighting Malaysia’s diverse attractions, including:

  • Cultural Heritage: Promoting Malaysia’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, from traditional dances and music to historical sites and festivals.
  • Natural Beauty: Showcasing Malaysia’s stunning natural landscapes, including tropical rainforests, pristine beaches, and vibrant marine life.
  • Adventure Tourism: Highlighting Malaysia as a destination for adventure tourism, offering activities such as hiking, diving, and wildlife exploration.
  • Culinary Delights: Introducing Indian travellers to Malaysia’s unique culinary offerings, from street food to fine dining experiences.

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