Introduction of new trains between Hisar-Haridwar & Bikaner-Haridwar from 30.11.2017

by Travel Mail
2 minutes read

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[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or the convenience of the railway passengers, the Railways have decided to introduce a New Bi-weekly Express train No. 14715/14716 between Hisar-Haridwar & New Weekly Express train 14717/14718 between Bikaner-Haridwar as per the following programme:-
Train No.14715/14716 Hisar-Haridwar Bi-weekly Express train
The 14716 Haridwar- Hisar bi-weekly Express train will commence its regular services from 30.11.2017. It will depart from Haridwar at 04.20 p.m. on every Tuesday & Thursday to reach Hisar to reach 02.00 a.m. the next day. In the return direction commencing regular services from 02.12.2017, the 14715 Hisar-Haridwar bi-weekly Express train will depart from Hisar at 04.30 a.m. on every Thursday & Saturday to reach Haridwar at 03.20 p.m. the same day. Comprising of Two A.C. 3 Tier, Five sleeper class, Five general second class coaches beside luggage vans the 14715/14716 Hisar-Haridwar bi-weekly Express train will stop at Biwani, Rohtak,Panipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Ambala Cantt. Saharanpur and Roorkee enroute.
Train No. 14717/14718 Bikaner-Haridwar Weekly Express train
The 14718 Haridwar-Bikaner bi-weekly Express train will commence its regular services from 04.12.2017. It will depart from Haridwar at 04.20 p.m. on every Saturdayto reach Bikaner to reach 07.55 a.m. the next day. In the return direction commencing regular services from 04.12.2017, the 14717 Bikaner-Haridwar Weekly Express train will depart from Bikaner11.05 p.m. on every Monday to reach Haridwar at 03.20 p.m. the next day. Comprising of Two A.C. 3 Tier, Five sleeper class, Five general second class coaches beside luggage vans the 14715/14716 Hisar-Haridwar bi-weekly Express train will stop at Sri Dungargarh, Ratangarh, Churu, Sadulpur, Hisar, Biwani, Rohtak, Panipat, Karnal, Kurukshetra, Ambala Cantt. Saharanpur and Roorkee enroute.
The inaugural special train no. 04061 will depart from Kurukshetra o­n 30.11.2017 at 10.55 a.m. to reach Haridwar at 04.05 p.m. the same day. Comprising of Two A.C. 3 Tier, Five sleeper class, Five general second class coaches beside luggage vans, the inaugural special train will stop at Ambala Cantt. Saharanpur and Roorkee enroute.



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