Booking Hotels at the right time can save Travellers as much as 26% Worldwide

by Travel Mail
3 minutes read

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New Delhi: TripAdvisor announced its “Best Time to Book” report, revealing the least expensive times to book hotels this summer1 in popular destinations across the globe, based on TripAdvisor hotel pricing data 2. The research showed that the best times to book vary depending on the region or city where the traveller is looking to visit for summer and that for most destinations, the hotel rates change gradually over time, without dramatic increases or decreases in price.
For Indian travellers, the least expensive time to book Asian hotels is within 3 months of the trip when they can save 14%, compared to peak pricing whereas for European hotels it is between 5-9 months as European hotel prices remain fairly consistent within 10 months of the trip. At the city level, Paris is an example where the best time to book is within 2 months of the trip, when travellers can save 23% versus the peak rates and for Mumbai it is within 3 months where they can save 24%.
“Timing is crucial when it comes to finding and booking the best prices for great hotels. TripAdvisor’s ‘Best Time to Book’ report helps the price conscious Indian travellers plan their travel in advance to be able to get the most value for their money and be confident of their choice. This becomes even more important as many of them would be planning to travel with their families considering the upcoming school summer holidayssaid Nikhil Ganju, Country Manager, TripAdvisor India.
TripAdvisor analysed hotel pricing data to identify the time periods offering the lowest prices on hotels for summer in 9 popular regions and 28 popular cities around the world for the months of June, July and August. The analysis defined “Best Time to Book” as periods when hotel prices were consistently less than the destination average. Below is the breakdown of potential savings made when booking hotels in these destinations for summer 2017 compared to the peak rates for summer months.
Best Time to Book Hotels for World Regions

  • Book U.S. hotels within 3 months. Travellers researching for hotels in the U.S. this summer can find the greatest value (9%) when booking within 3 months of their trip, compared to peak pricing periods. (U.S. hotels average INR 10,649 per night during summer)
  • Within 4 months is best time to book African hotels. Travellers going to Africa will see 8% savings on hotels when they book inside of 4 months. (Africa hotels average INR 11,428 per night during summer)
  • Hotels in Asia offer the best rates within 3 months of the trip.Travellers going to Asiacan save 14% when booking within 3 months of their summer trip. (Asia hotels average INR 9,480 per night during summer)
  • Book Caribbean hotels within 4 months. Travellers going to the Caribbean can save 6% when booking 4 months in advance of a summer trip, compared to peak pricing periods. (Caribbean hotels average INR 11,947 per night during summer)
  • Within 3 months is best time to book hotels in Central America. Travellers going to Central America this summer will find consistent hotel rates for summer for most of the year, but booking inside 3 months will save 6%.(Central America hotels average INR 6,558 per night during summer.)
  • While the sweet spot for booking European hotels in summer is between 5-9 months, European hotel prices remain fairly consistent within 10 months of a summer trip, only deviating a few percent from the average hotel rate.(Europe hotels average INR 8,766 per night during summer)
  • Book Middle East hotels within 2 months. Travellers going to the Middle East can find greatest savings (19%) when booking within 2 months of their summer trip. (Middle East hotels average INR 11,558 per night during summer)
  • Hotels in South America offer best rates within 3 months of trip. Travellers going to South America can save 15% when booking hotels 3 months in advance of a summer trip, compared to peak rates for summer months.(South America hotels average INR 7,467 per night during summer.)

Hotels in the South Pacific offer best rates within 2 months of a trip. Travellers going to the South Pacific this summer can save 11% when booking within 2 months of their trip. (South Pacific hotels average INR 9,740 per night during summer)
1While the summer season in India begins in May, we are referring to the period from June to August as summer in this report in order to be consistent across regions globally.
2Average summer hotel rates and best times to book are based on TripAdvisor hotel pricing data, aggregated from booking partners.
TripAdvisor analysed data from April 2015 to March 2017, including all hotels with sufficient pricing data.
All prices were converted from USD to INR at the rate of 64.93 on 3rd April 2017.


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